What Is Online Mode Minecraft

The default server.properties file for Coffee Edition.
is the file that stores all the settings for a multiplayer (Minecraft or Minecraft Archetype) server.
When editing server.properties, it is of import that the same structure as the original is used, although the guild of the lines is arbitrary. The text earlier the equal sign is the key, which should non be inverse. The text afterward the equal sign is the property's value, which can be edited. Lines that begin with #
are comments – altering or removing these lines has no issue on the game.
After changes are made to the server.properties
file, the server must be restarted for them to accept effect. Some other option is to utilise the /reload
command in the server console or in-game, which will likewise allow changes to exist reloaded.
If the server.backdrop
file does not list all properties (such as if a new version of the server adds new properties, or if the file does not exist), and then on startup, the server rewrites the server.properties file with the new backdrop listed and ready them to their default values.
The server.properties
file is only a normal text file with UTF-viii encoding, despite its extension, and tin can therefore be edited with any text editor such as Notepad for Windows, TextEdit for Mac, or nano and vim for Linux.
- ane File location
- 1.1 Java Edition
- 1.2 Boulder Edition
- ii server.properties
- 2.1 Java Edition
- two.2 Boulder Edition
- 3 Minecraft server properties
- iii.1 Coffee Edition
- 3.two Bedrock Edition
- iv Minecraft Classic server properties
- 5 History
File location
Coffee Edition
This file is automatically generated upon the commencement start of the server (if it does not be).
Os | File Location | Notes |
Windows | In the Working Directory (Defaults to the same folder as server.jar ) | If the player starts the server by clicking on either server.jar , a startup script in the same binder, or a shortcut to either of these, then the Working Directory is set to the same folder as server.jar . |
Linux Unix Unix/Mac | Path of Working Directory (pwd) | If the histrion starts it from their home directory (
Bedrock Edition
This file is downloaded with bedrock_server.exe
Bone | File Location |
Windows | Aforementioned directory as bedrock_server.exe |
Linux | Same directory every bit bedrock_server |
These are the default settings for a newly installed Minecraft server:
Java Edition
#Minecraft server backdrop #(timestamp of first initializing) enable-jmx-monitoring = false rcon.port = 25575 level-seed = gamemode = survival enable-command-block = false enable-query = faux generator-settings = {} level-proper noun = world motd = A Minecraft Server query.port = 25565 pvp = truthful generate-structures = true max-chained-neighbour-updates = 1000000 difficulty = easy network-pinch-threshold = 256 crave-resource-pack = faux max-tick-time = 60000 utilise-native-send = truthful max-players = 20 online-mode = true enable-status = true allow-flight = faux broadcast-rcon-to-ops = true view-distance = x server-ip = resources-pack-prompt = permit-nether = true server-port = 25565 enable-rcon = false sync-chunk-writes = true op-permission-level = 4 prevent-proxy-connections = false hibernate-online-players = faux resource-pack = entity-circulate-range-percentage = 100 simulation-distance = ten rcon.password = thespian-idle-timeout = 0 force-gamemode = faux charge per unit-limit = 0 hardcore = false white-list = false broadcast-console-to-ops = true spawn-npcs = truthful spawn-animals = true office-permission-level = 2 level-blazon = minecraft\:normal text-filtering-config = spawn-monsters = true enforce-whitelist = false resource-pack-sha1 = spawn-protection = 16 max-world-size = 29999984
Default as of 22w11a.
Boulder Edition
server-name = Dedicated Server # Used as the server name # Allowed values: Any string without semicolon symbol. gamemode = survival # Sets the game mode for new players. # Allowed values: "survival", "creative", or "chance" force-gamemode = false # force-gamemode=fake (or force-gamemode is not divers in the server.properties) # prevents the server from sending to the customer gamemode values other # than the gamemode value saved by the server during world creation # even if those values are gear up in server.properties afterwards world creation. # # force-gamemode=true forces the server to send to the client gamemode values # other than the gamemode value saved by the server during globe creation # if those values are fix in server.properties after world creation. difficulty = like shooting fish in a barrel # Sets the difficulty of the world. # Immune values: "peaceful", "easy", "normal", or "hard" allow-cheats = false # If true and then cheats similar commands tin can be used. # Allowed values: "true" or "faux" max-players = 10 # The maximum number of players that tin play on the server. # Allowed values: Whatever positive integer online-manner = true # If truthful then all connected players must be authenticated to Xbox Live. # Clients connecting to remote (non-LAN) servers will always require Xbox Live authentication regardless of this setting. # If the server accepts connections from the Internet, and so it's highly recommended to enable online-mode. # Immune values: "true" or "false" white-list = false # If truthful then all continued players must exist listed in the separate whitelist.json file. # Immune values: "truthful" or "false" server-port = 19132 # Which IPv4 port the server should listen to. # Allowed values: Integers in the range [1, 65535] server-portv6 = 19133 # Which IPv6 port the server should listen to. # Allowed values: Integers in the range [i, 65535] view-distance = 32 # The maximum allowed view distance in number of chunks. # Allowed values: Positive integer equal to v or greater. tick-distance = four # The globe volition be ticked this many chunks abroad from any actor. # Allowed values: Integers in the range [4, 12] thespian-idle-timeout = 30 # After a player has idled for this many minutes they will be kicked. If set to 0 then players can idle indefinitely. # Allowed values: Any non-negative integer. max-threads = eight # Maximum number of threads the server volition try to employ. If prepare to 0 or removed and then it will use equally many every bit possible. # Allowed values: Whatever positive integer. level-proper noun = Bedrock level # Allowed values: Any string without semicolon symbol or symbols illegal for file name: /\n\r\t\f`?*\\<>|\": level-seed = # Use to randomize the earth # Immune values: Any cord default-player-permission-level = member # Permission level for new players joining for the outset time. # Allowed values: "visitor", "fellow member", "operator" texturepack-required = faux # Force clients to use texture packs in the current globe # Allowed values: "true" or "false" content-log-file-enabled = false # Enables logging content errors to a file # Immune values: "true" or "false" pinch-threshold = 1 # Determines the smallest size of raw network payload to compress # Allowed values: 0-65535 server-authoritative-movement = server-auth # Allowed values: "client-auth", "server-auth", "server-auth-with-rewind" # Enables server authoritative move. If "server-auth", the server will replay local user input on # the server and ship downwards corrections when the client'due south position doesn't match the server's. # If "server-auth-with-rewind" is enabled and the server sends a correction, the clients volition be instructed # to rewind time back to the correction time, apply the correction, then replay all the player'southward inputs since then. This results in smoother and more than frequent corrections. # Corrections will but happen if correct-role player-motion is ready to true. actor-movement-score-threshold = 20 # The number of incongruent time intervals needed before abnormal behavior is reported. # Disabled by server-authoritative-move. actor-movement-distance-threshold = 0.3 # The difference between server and client positions that needs to be exceeded earlier abnormal beliefs is detected. # Disabled past server-authoritative-movement. player-movement-duration-threshold-in-ms = 500 # The duration of time the server and client positions tin can be out of sync (equally defined by player-movement-distance-threshold) # earlier the abnormal movement score is incremented. This value is divers in milliseconds. # Disabled by server-administrative-movement. correct-thespian-movement = faux # If true, the client position volition become corrected to the server position if the movement score exceeds the threshold. server-authoritative-block-breaking = simulated # If truthful, the server will compute cake mining operations in sync with the client so information technology can verify that the client should be able to break blocks when it thinks information technology can.
Default as of
Minecraft server properties
Coffee Edition
Key | Type | Default Value | Description |
allow-flight | boolean | imitation | Allows users to utilise flying on the server while in Survival mode, if they have a modern that provides flying installed. With allow-flight enabled, griefers may go more than common, because it makes their work easier. In Creative fashion, this has no result.
allow-nether | boolean | truthful | Allows players to travel to the Nether.
broadcast-panel-to-ops | boolean | true | Send console control outputs to all online operators. |
broadcast-rcon-to-ops | boolean | true | Send rcon console command outputs to all online operators. |
difficulty | string | easy | Defines the difficulty (such as harm dealt by mobs and the manner hunger and poison affects players) of the server. If a legacy difficulty number is specified, it is silently converted to a difficulty name.
enable-command-block | boolean | faux | Enables command blocks |
enable-jmx-monitoring | boolean | false | Exposes an MBean with the Object proper noun cyberspace.minecraft.server:type=Server and two attributes averageTickTime and tickTimes exposing the tick times in milliseconds. In club for enabling JMX on the Java runtime you too need to add a couple of JVM flags to the startup as documented hither. |
enable-rcon | boolean | false | Enables remote access to the server console.
sync-chunk-writes | boolean | true | Enables synchronous chunk writes. |
enable-condition | boolean | true | Makes the server appear as "online" on the server list. If set to false, it will suppress replies from clients. This means it will appear as offline, but will still have connections. |
enable-query | boolean | false | Enables GameSpy4 protocol server listener. Used to get information about server. |
entity-broadcast-range-percentage | integer (10-k) | 100 | Controls how close entities demand to be before beingness sent to clients. College values ways they'll be rendered from further abroad, potentially causing more lag. This is expressed the percentage of the default value. For instance, setting to fifty volition make it half every bit usual. This mimics the function on the client video settings (non different Render Distance, which the client can customize so long as it's nether the server'due south setting). |
force-gamemode | boolean | false | Force players to bring together in the default game style.
office-permission-level | integer (1-4) | two | Sets the default permission level for functions. Run across permission level for the details on the 4 levels. |
gamemode | string | survival | Defines the mode of gameplay. If a legacy gamemode number is specified, it is silently converted to a gamemode proper noun.
generate-structures | boolean | true | Defines whether structures (such as villages) can be generated.
Annotation: Dungeons notwithstanding generate if this is set to false. |
generator-settings | string | {} | The settings used to customize world generation. Follow its format and write the corresponding JSON cord. Remember to escape all : with \: . |
hardcore | boolean | false | If gear up to true, server difficulty is ignored and set to difficult and players are fix to spectator mode if they die. |
level-proper noun | string | world | The "level-proper name" value is used as the world proper name and its binder proper noun. The thespian may besides re-create their saved game folder here, and change the proper name to the same as that folder's to load information technology instead.
level-seed | string | blank | Sets a world seed for the actor's world, as in Singleplayer. The earth generates with a random seed if left blank.
level-type | string | default[ until JE i.19] minecraft:normal[ upcoming: JE ane.19] | Determines the type of map[ until JE 1.xix] / the world preset[ upcoming: JE i.19] that is generated. Escaping ":" is required when using a globe preset ID, and the vanilla world preset ID's namespace (
max-chained-neighbor-updates [ upcoming: JE one.xix] | integer[ more data needed ] | 1000000 | Limiting the amount of sequent neighbour updates earlier skipping additional ones. Negative values remove the limit. |
max-players | integer (0-(2^31 - 1)) | twenty | The maximum number of players that tin play on the server at the same time. Note that more players on the server swallow more than resources. Note also, op player connections are non supposed to count against the max players, but ops currently cannot join a full server. However, this tin can be changed by going to the file called ops.json in the player's server directory, opening information technology, finding the op that the player wants to alter, and changing the setting called bypassesPlayerLimit to true (the default is false). This means that that op does not accept to await for a player to leave in lodge to join. Extremely large values for this field result in the client-side user listing beingness broken. |
max-tick-time | integer (0–(2^63 - i)) | 60000 | The maximum number of milliseconds a single tick may accept before the server watchdog stops the server with the message, A single server tick took sixty.00 seconds (should exist max 0.05); Because information technology to be crashed, server will forcibly shutdown. Once this criterion is met, it calls Arrangement.exit(1).
max-world-size | integer (1-29999984) | 29999984 | This sets the maximum possible size in blocks, expressed equally a radius, that the earth border tin obtain. Setting the world border bigger causes the commands to complete successfully simply the actual border does not motility past this cake limit. Setting the max-globe-size higher than the default doesn't appear to do anything. Examples:
motd | string | A Minecraft Server | This is the bulletin that is displayed in the server list of the client, below the name.
network-compression-threshold | integer | 256 | By default it allows packets that are north-ane bytes large to go usually, but a packet of n bytes or more gets compressed downward. And so, a lower number means more pinch but compressing small amounts of bytes might actually end up with a larger result than what went in.
Notation: The Ethernet spec requires that packets less than 64 bytes become padded to 64 bytes. Thus, setting a value lower than 64 may not be beneficial. It is also not recommended to exceed the MTU, typically 1500 bytes. |
online-style | boolean | truthful | Server checks connecting players against Minecraft business relationship database. Set this to false only if the player's server is not connected to the Net. Hackers with fake accounts can connect if this is set to simulated! If minecraft.cyberspace is down or inaccessible, no players can connect if this is set to truthful. Setting this variable to off purposely is called "great" a server, and servers that are present with online fashion off are chosen "croaky" servers, assuasive players with unlicensed copies of Minecraft to join.
op-permission-level | integer (0-iv) | 4 | Sets the default permission level for ops when using /op . |
player-idle-timeout | integer | 0 | If non-aught, players are kicked from the server if they are idle for more than that many minutes.
prevent-proxy-connections | boolean | fake | If the ISP/AS sent from the server is different from the ane from Mojang Studios' hallmark server, the thespian is kicked
pvp | boolean | true | Enable PvP on the server. Players shooting themselves with arrows receive damage only if PvP is enabled.
Note: Indirect damage sources spawned by players (such every bit lava, burn down, TNT and to some extent h2o, sand and gravel) still deal damage to other players. |
query.port | integer (1-(2^16 - 2)) | 25565 | Sets the port for the query server (come across enable-query). |
charge per unit-limit | integer | 0 | Sets the maximum amount of packets a user can send before getting kicked. Setting to 0 disables this feature. |
rcon.password | string | blank | Sets the password for RCON: a remote console protocol that can allow other applications to connect and interact with a Minecraft server over the net. |
rcon.port | integer (i-(ii^xvi - ii)) | 25575 | Sets the RCON network port. |
resource-pack | string | blank | Optional URI to a resources pack. The actor may cull to use it. Note that (in some versions before 1.xv.2), the ":" and "=" characters need to exist escaped with a backslash (\), e.g. http\://somedomain.com/somepack.zip?someparam\=somevalue The resource pack may not have a larger file size than 250 MiB (Before 1.18: 100 MiB (≈ 100.8 MB)) (Before 1.fifteen: 50 MiB (≈ fifty.iv MB)). Note that download success or failure is logged by the client, and not by the server. |
resource-pack-prompt | cord | blank | Optional, adds a custom message to exist shown on resource pack prompt when Expects conversation component syntax, can contain multiple lines. |
resource-pack-sha1 | cord | blank | Optional SHA-1 assimilate of the resource pack, in lowercase hexadecimal. It is recommended to specify this, because it is used to verify the integrity of the resources pack. Note: If the resource pack is any different, a yellow bulletin "Invalid sha1 for resource-pack-sha1" appears in the console when the server starts. Due to the nature of hash functions, errors have a tiny probability of occurring, and so this issue has no event. |
require-resource-pack | boolean | false | When this option is enabled (set to true), players will be prompted for a response and volition be disconnected if they pass up the required pack. |
server-ip | cord | blank | The player should set this if they desire the server to demark to a particular IP. It is strongly recommended that the player leaves server-ip blank.
server-port | integer (1-(2^16 - 2)) | 25565 | Changes the port the server is hosting (listening) on. This port must be forwarded if the server is hosted in a network using NAT (if the player has a home router/firewall). |
simulation-distance | integer (3-32) | 10 | Sets the maximum distance from players that living entities may be located in social club to be updated by the server, measured in chunks in each direction of the player (radius, not diameter). If entities are outside of this radius, then they volition not exist ticked past the server nor will they exist visible to players. 10 is the default/recommended. If the histrion has major lag, this value is recommended to exist reduced. |
snooper-enabled | boolean | true | Sets whether the server sends snoop data regularly to http://snoop.minecraft.net.
spawn-animals | boolean | true | Determines if animals can spawn.
If the actor has major lag, it is recommended to turn this off/set to false. |
spawn-monsters | boolean | truthful | Determines if monsters can spawn.
This setting has no consequence if difficulty = 0 (peaceful). If difficulty is not = 0, a monster can still spawn from a spawner. If the player has major lag, it is recommended to turn this off/set to false. |
spawn-npcs | boolean | truthful | Determines whether villagers tin can spawn.
spawn-protection | integer | 16 | Determines the side length of the foursquare spawn protection area equally ii10+one. Setting this to 0 disables the spawn protection. A value of ane protects a 3×3 square centered on the spawn bespeak. 2 protects five×5, 3 protects 7×7, etc. This option is not generated on the beginning server start and appears when the first player joins. If there are no ops assail the server, the spawn protection is disabled automatically as well. |
text-filtering-config | [ more than information needed ] | [ more information needed ] | [ more information needed ] |
utilize-native-transport | boolean | truthful | Linux server functioning improvements: optimized package sending/receiving on Linux
view-distance | integer (3-32) | x | Sets the corporeality of globe data the server sends the client, measured in chunks in each direction of the role player (radius, not diameter). Information technology determines the server-side viewing distance. x is the default/recommended. If the player has major lag, this value is recommended to be reduced. |
white-list | boolean | imitation | Enables a whitelist on the server. With a whitelist enabled, users not on the whitelist cannot connect. Intended for private servers, such equally those for real-life friends or strangers carefully selected via an application process, for example.
Notation: Ops are automatically whitelisted, and there is no need to add them to the whitelist. |
enforce-whitelist | boolean | false | Enforces the whitelist on the server. When this option is enabled, users who are non nowadays on the whitelist (if it'south enabled) get kicked from the server after the server reloads the whitelist file.
Bedrock Edition
Option proper noun | Possible values | Default value | When is it used | Utilise | Notes |
server-name | Any string | Dedicated Server | Always | Used as the server proper noun. Cannot contain a ":" (colon). | This is the server proper name shown in the in-game server list. |
gamemode | survival, artistic, run a risk | survival | Always | Sets the game manner for new players. | This is applied at the time the player starting time joins the server. Irresolute this setting will not change the gamemode for existing players. survival (0) artistic (1) risk (ii) |
force-gamemode | true, false | faux | Always | Simulated (or non defined) prevents the server from sending to the customer gamemode values other than the gamemode value saved by the server during world cosmos even if those values are prepare in server.properties after world creation. Truthful forces the server to ship to the client gamemode values other than the gamemode value saved by the server during world creation if those values are set in server.properties later earth creation. | |
difficulty | peaceful, easy, normal, hard | like shooting fish in a barrel | Always | Sets the difficulty of the world. | Values correlate to the integer gamemodes as follows: peaceful (0) easy (one) normal (2) hard (3) |
permit-cheats | true, false | faux | Ever | If true so cheats similar commands can be used. | |
max-players | Positive integer | ten | Ever | The maximum number of players that can play on the server. | Higher values take functioning bear on. |
online-mode | true, fake | true | Ever | If true and then all connected players must be authenticated to Xbox Live. | |
white-list | true, false | simulated | Always | If truthful and then all continued players must be listed in the separate whitelist.json file. | |
server-port | Integers in the range [1, 65535] | 19132 | Always | Which IPv4 port the server should heed to. | |
server-portv6 | Integers in the range [1, 65535] | 19133 | E'er | Which IPv6 port the server should listen to. | |
view-distance | Whatever positive integer greater than or equal to 5 | 32 | Ever | The maximum allowed view altitude in number of chunks. | College values accept performance impact. |
tick-distance | An integer in the range [4, 12] | iv | Ever | The earth is ticked this many chunks away from any player. | Higher values accept performance impact. |
player-idle-timeout | Any integer | xxx | Ever | After a actor has idled for this many minutes they get kicked. | After a histrion has idled for this many minutes they get kicked. |
max-threads | Any integer | 8 | Always | Maximum number of threads the server tries to utilise. If set up to 0 or removed then it uses as many as possible. | Maximum number of threads the server tries to use. |
level-name | Any cord | Bedrock level | Always | The "level-name" value is used as the globe proper name and its folder proper noun. The role player may likewise re-create their saved game binder here, and alter the name to the same as that binder's to load information technology instead. Cannot contain illegal filename characters: /\n\r\t\f`?*\\<>|\": | The name of level to be used/generated. Each level has its ain folder in /worlds . |
level-seed | Any string | Defaults to empty (th34f1ju34facjn5f871df312h) | World creation | Use to randomize the world | The seed to be used for randomizing the world. If left empty, a seed is called at random. |
level-type | Flat, LEGACY, DEFAULT | DEFAULT | World creation | Determines the type of map that is generated. | |
default-thespian-permission-level | visitor, member, operator | member | Always | Permission level for new players joining for the first time. | Permission level that new players take when they bring together for the first time. |
texturepack-required | true, simulated | false | Ever | Force clients to utilise texture packs in the current world | If the world uses whatever specific texture packs then this setting forces the client to use it. |
content-log-file-enabled | true, false | false | Always | Enables logging content errors to a file | |
compression-threshold | Integers in the range [1, 65535] | 1 | Always | Determines the smallest size of raw network payload to compress | |
server-authoritative-move | client-auth, server-auth, server-auth-with-rewind | server-auth | Always | Enables server authoritative movement. If server-auth, the server will replay local user input on the server and send downward corrections when the customer'due south position doesn't match the server's. If "server-auth-with-rewind" is enabled and the server sends a correction, the clients will be instructed to rewind time back to the correction time, apply the correction, and then replay all the player's inputs since then. This results in smoother and more frequent corrections. | Corrections will only happen if right-player-movement is set to server-auth. |
histrion-movement-score-threshold | Whatever positive integer | 20 | E'er | The number of incongruent time intervals needed before abnormal behavior is reported. | Disabled past server-administrative-motion. |
actor-move-distance-threshold | Any positive number | 0.three | Always | The departure between server and client positions that needs to be exceeded before abnormal behavior is detected. | Disabled by server-authoritative-motion. |
role player-movement-elapsing-threshold-in-ms | Any positive integer | 500 | Always | The elapsing of time the server and client positions can be out of sync (equally divers by actor-motility-distance-threshold) before the abnormal movement score is incremented. This value is defined in milliseconds. | Disabled past server-authoritative-motion. |
correct-thespian-move | true, fake | imitation | E'er | If true, the client position volition get corrected to the server position if the movement score exceeds the threshold. | |
server-authoritative-block-breaking | truthful, false | false | Always | If true, the server volition compute block mining operations in sync with the client and so it tin can verify that the customer should be able to interruption blocks when it thinks information technology tin. |
Minecraft Classic server properties
Primal | Type | Default Value | Clarification |
verify-names | boolean | true | If enabled, the server ensures that the client is logged in with the aforementioned IP address seen on Minecraft.internet. This has caused problems for people trying to play on the aforementioned estimator they are hosting the server on every bit the server sees the local IP (127.0.0.one) while Minecraft.net sees the external IP. It is recommended that this is enabled unless the player desire to play on the actor'due south server from the aforementioned computer the histrion is hosting it on.
admin-slot | boolean | simulated | Permit ops to join fifty-fifty if the server is full. |
public | boolean | Whether the server should be displayed in the server listing, or non.
| |
server-name | cord | The name of the server. This is displayed in the server list and when someone is joining the server
| |
max-players | integer (0-256) | The max numbers of players that tin can play on the server at the aforementioned time. Note that if more players are on the server it uses more than resources. Note also, admin connections are non counted against the max players. | |
max-connections | integer (1-3) | The max number of connections the server accepts from the aforementioned IP. Note: If gear up higher than 3, it is changed back to 3. | |
motd | string | MOTD is curt for Bulletin of the day, though the player does not need to change information technology every day. The MOTD is displayed when people bring together the server. | |
abound-trees | boolean | Whether or not the server allows planted saplings to grow into trees.
This department 's factual accuracy may be compromised due to out-of-date information.
Delight update this department to reflect recent updates or newly bachelor information.
Reason: Many settings are not commencement introduced.
Java Edition Archetype | |||||
server 1.2 | Currently primeval archived version. | ||||
Current options include port , server-proper name , max-players , motd , public . | |||||
server 1.3 | Added verify-names , which ensures that the client is logged in with the same IP address seen on Minecraft.net | ||||
server 1.5 | Added max-connections , which limits the maximum connections from one IP. | ||||
server ane.9.i | Added grow-tree , which won't grow copse unless ready to true. | ||||
server 1.10 | Added a warning when verify-names was disabled. | ||||
Added admin-slot , which won't let not-admins in if the histrion count is almost reached. | |||||
Coffee Edition Alpha | |||||
server 0.2.0 | Added monsters selection, if set to true volition enable monsters. | ||||
server 0.2.iv | Added no-animals option, if set to true will disable animals. | ||||
server 0.2.5 | Added pvp option to disable or enable Player vs Player combat. | ||||
Renamed monsters to spawn-monsters and fix the default to true | |||||
Renamed no-animals to spawn-animals . | |||||
Coffee Edition Beta | |||||
ane.six | Added let-nether which if set to false denies entry to the nether. | ||||
Added view-distance which sets the maximum view distance. | |||||
Java Edition | |||||
1.0.0 | Beta 1.nine Prerelease iv | Added debug , enable-query , enable-rcon , query.port , rcon.countersign and rcon.port . | |||
1.1 | 11w49a | Added spawn-npcs . | |||
12w01a | Added level-type . | ||||
release | Added generate-structures . | ||||
1.ii.1 | 12w07a | Added max-build-meridian . | |||
1.three.1 | 12w30a | Added snooper-enabled . | |||
1.iv.2 | 12w40a | Added spawn-protection . | |||
1.5 | 13w05a | Setting spawn-protection to 0 now disables spawn protection, instead of protecting a one×1 expanse (MC-666). | |||
one.7.2 | 13w38a | Added option to disable achievement announcements in chat. | |||
1.eight | 14w17a | Added generator-settings . | |||
14w28a | Added pick to customize network compression. | ||||
1.xi | 16w38a | Added prevent-proxy-connections . | |||
1.12 | 17w18a | Removed option announce-player-achievements as it was replaced by the gamerule announceAdvancements . | |||
one.14 | 18w48a | difficulty and gamemode settings now take string names; integer values are still allowed as legacy option. | |||
1.14.iv | Pre-Release four | Added function-permission-level option that controls what permission level functions have. | |||
1.15 | Pre-Release five | Increased server resourcepack size limit to 100 MB. | |||
1.sixteen | 20w14a | Added sync-chunk-writes option to disable the new synchronous chunk writing. | |||
20w16a | Added enable-jmx-monitoring option that exposes an MBean that exposes the tick times in milliseconds. | ||||
20w18a | Added enable-status and entity-broadcast-range-percentage options. | ||||
i.16.2 | 20w28a | Added charge per unit-limit to set the packet rate-limit for a user. | |||
1.16.4 | Pre-release 1 | Added text-filtering-config . | |||
1.17 | 20w45a | Added require-resource-pack which forces users to accept the resource pack. | |||
20w49a | Removed the max-build-height setting. | ||||
21w15a | Added resources-pack-prompt for custom message to be shown on resource pack prompt. | ||||
1.xviii | 21w38a | Added simulation-distance for control the range of entities could exist updated. | |||
21w43a | Removed snooper-enabled . | ||||
21w44a | Added hide-online-players , which when set to "True", does not send a histrion list on status requests. | ||||
Release Candidate 1 | Increased server resourcepack size limit to 250 MB. | ||||
Upcoming Coffee Edition | |||||
1.19 | 22w11a | Added max-chained-neighbor-updates , to limit the corporeality of consecutive neighbor updates before skipping additional ones. | |||
level-blazon 's at present accept world preset ID instead. | |||||
Boulder Edition | |||||
i.6.1 | Initial release of Bedrock Defended Server. | ||||
Current options include server-proper noun , gamemode , difficulty , allow-cheats , max-players , online-mode , white-list , server-port , server-port-v6 , view-distance , tick-distance , player-idle-timeout , max-threads , level-name , level-seed , default-role player-permission , texturepack-required . | |||||
1.7.0 | Renamed default-histrion-permission to default-player-permission-level . | ||||
ane.12.0.28 | Added content-log-file-enabled which enables logging content errors to a file. | ||||
ane.xiii.0 | Added pinch-threshold , server-administrative-movement , thespian-movement-score-threshold , player-motility-distance-threshold , player-motility-duration-threshold-in-ms , correct-player-move . | ||||
1.16.100 | Inverse default server-administrative-movement , from "true" to "server-auth" (false is at present "client-auth") | ||||
ane.xvi.210 | Added new backdrop force-gamemode and server-authoritative-block-breaking , every bit well as server-auth-with-rewind selection to server-authoritative-movement . |
Versions |
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Development |
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Technical |
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Multiplayer |
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Game customization |
Source: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Server.properties
Posted by: alexanderabournat1975.blogspot.com
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